Items where Year is 2021

Hogan, Kevin Francis, Clarke, Victoria and Ward, Tony (2021) Men’s experiences of help-seeking for female-perpetrated intimate partner violence: A qualitative exploration. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 21 (4). pp. 934-945. ISSN 1746-1405
Hunt, Thomas E. (2021) Imperial Collapse and Christianization in Patristic Scholarship during the Final Decades of Colonial Algeria, 1930–1962. Journal of Early Christian Studies, 29 (2). pp. 261-289. ISSN 1067-6341
Langley, Chris R. (2021) Parish politics and godly agitation in late Interregnum Scotland. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, 90 (3). pp. 557-578. ISSN 1755-2613
McGarry, Katharine A., West, Melanie and Hogan, Kevin Francis (2021) Perspective-taking and social competence in adults. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 17 (2). pp. 129-135. ISSN 1895-1171
Myers, Tony D., Dugdale, James H., Sanders, Dajo, Williams, Mark and Hunter, Angus M. (2021) Progression from youth to professional soccer: A longitudinal study of successful and unsuccessful academy graduates. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 31 (S1). pp. 73-84. ISSN 1600-0838
Myers, Tony D., Morris, Rhys, Emmonds, Stacey, Singleton, Dave and Till, Kevin (2021) Does Resisted Sled Towing Improve the Physical Qualities of Elite Youth Soccer Players of Differing Maturity Status? Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise (3). pp. 75-87. ISSN 2096-6709
Myers, Tony D., Negra, Yassine, Sammoud, Senda, Chaabene, Helmi and Nevill, Alan M. (2021) Discerning excellence from mediocrity in swimming: new insights using Bayesian quantile regression. European Journal of Sport Science, 21 (8). pp. 1083-1091. ISSN 1536-7290
Nevill, Alan M., Myers, Jonathan, Kaminsky, Leonard A., Arena, Ross and Myers, Tony D. (2021) Comparing individual and population differences in VE/VCO2 slopes using centile growth curves and log-linear allometry. ERJ Open Research, 7 (3). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2312-0541
Nevill, Alan M., Tomkinson, Grant R., Lang, Justin J., Wutz, Wyatt and Myers, Tony D. (2021) How should adult handgrip strength be normalized? Allometry reveals new insights and associated reference curves. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. ISSN 0195-9131
Safi, Ayazullah and Myers, Tony D. (2021) Barriers to Physical Activity: A Comparison of Afghans Living in the UK and Afghanistan. Advances in Physical Education, 11 (01). pp. 103-117. ISSN 2164-0386
Taylor, Richard, Myers, Tony D., Sanders, Dajo, Ellis, Matthew and Akubat, Ibrahim (2021) The Relationship between Training Load Measures and Next-Day Well-Being in Rugby Union Players. Applied Sciences, 11 (5926). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2076-3417
Towlson, Christopher, MacMaster, Calum, Gonçalves, Bruno, Sampaio, Jaime, Toner, John, MacFarlane, Niall, Barrett, Steve, Hamilton, Ally, Jack, Rory, Hunter, Frances, Stringer, Amy, Myers, Tony D. and Abt, Grant (2021) The effect of bio-banding on technical and tactical indicators of talent identification in academy soccer players. Science and Medicine in Football, 6 (3). pp. 295-308. ISSN 2473-3938
Woodfield, Lorayne, Tatton, Allison, Myers, Tony D. and Powell, Emma (2021) Predictors of children’s physical activity in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20 (2). pp. 199-213. ISSN 1741-2927