Young People and Alternative Provision: Perspectives from participatory-collaborative evaluations in three UK Local Authorities

Trotman, Dave, Enow, Linda and Tucker, Stan (2018) Young People and Alternative Provision: Perspectives from participatory-collaborative evaluations in three UK Local Authorities. British Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1469-3518 (In Press)

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This paper reports the findings of four separately commissioned evaluations of Alternative Provision (AP) undertaken in three Local Authorities in the UK. The evaluations were specifically predicated on the principles of children’s rights and used a combination of qualitative research methods and documentary analysis to elicit the experiences of young people in conjunction with the viewpoints of key stake-holders. Data from each evaluation was gathered over a total period of 6 years. The sites and time scales for each evaluation varied from 6-month authority-wide strategic reviews, a 3-year evaluation of an AP Free School and an evaluation of pupil referrals in a large school partnership. The evaluations involved 200 participant children and young people, 30 managers and stakeholders, 8 parents of non-attending pupils and Local Authority Officers and School Governors. The evaluations report the complexity of needs amongst children and young people; the continuing problem of unsuccessful transitions between key phases/stages of education and the profound consequences of this for young people; assumptions around mainstream reintegration and managed moves; and the curriculum challenges of vocationalism and academic emphasis. While the research data confirms the positive value of multi-agency approaches in AP it also shows a more recent troubling increase in the number of young people now being referred to AP as a consequence of their exposure to performative school cultures.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Trotman, D. , Enow, L., Tucker, S. (2018) Young People and Alternative Provision: Perspectives from participatory-collaborative evaluations in three UK Local Authorities, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Divisions: Faculty of Education > Department of Education, Multi-professional Practice and Early Childhood
Depositing User: Ms Hazel Barham
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2018 16:33
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2025 13:15

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