Items where Year is 2019

Andrews, Nicole, Greenfield, Sheila, Drever, William and Redwood, Sabi (2019) Intersectionality in the liminal space: researching Caribbean women’s health in the UK context. Frontiers in Sociology, 4 (82). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2297-7775
Benkwitz, A., Parkes, S., Bardy, H., Myler, K., Peters, J., Akhtar, A., Keeling, P., Preece, R. and Smith, T. (2019) Using student data: Student-staff collaborative development of compassionate pedagogic interventions based on learning analytics and mentoring. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. ISSN 1473-8376
Benkwitz, Adam and Healy, Laura C. (2019) ‘Think Football’: Exploring a football for mental health initiative delivered in the community through the lens of personal and social recovery. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 17. ISSN 17552966
Benkwitz, Adam, Morris, M and Healy, L (2019) An Ethnographic Study Exploring Football Sessions for Medium-Secure Mental Health Service-Users: Utilising the CHIME Conceptual Framework as an Evaluative Tool. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Mental Health. ISSN 2198-963x
Bodza, Carol, Morrey, Tara and Hogan, Kevin F. (2019) How do counsellors having menopausal symptoms experience their client work: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 19 (4). pp. 544-552. ISSN 14733145
CSIZMADIA, Andrew, STANDL, Bernhard and WAITE, Jane (2019) Integrating the Constructionist Learning Theory with Computational Thinking Classroom Activities. Informatics in Education, 18 (1). pp. 41-67. ISSN 1648-5831
Cooley, Sam J., Quinton, Mary L., Holland, Mark J. G., Parry, Benjamin J. and Cumming, Jennifer (2019) The Experiences of Homeless Youth When Using Strengths Profiling to Identify Their Character Strengths. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. ISSN 1664-1078
Cronin, Mark (2019) Looked After Children: The Reluctant State and Moral Salvation. Genealogy, 3 (2). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2313-5778
Harris, Pete (2019) ‘Down with the kids’? Examining the male youth worker as role model and mentor to young men involved in violence. Youth and Policy. ISSN 2057-4266
Harris, Peter (2019) Uneasy bedfellows? Fusing participatory and psychosocial principles in research with youth workers and young people. Journal of Psychosocial Studies, 12 (3). pp. 245-257. ISSN 1478-6737
Hogan, Kevin Francis and Woodhouse, Rebekah (2019) ‘Out on the edge of my comfort’: Trainee counsellor/psychotherapists’ experiences of spirituality in therapy: a qualitative exploration. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20 (1). pp. 173-181. ISSN 14733145
Keenan, John and Kadi-Hanifi, Karima (2019) Epistemological moor-ing. Re-positioning Foucault, Bourdieu and Derrida theory to its Northern African origins. Teaching in Higher Education. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1356-2517
Khawaja, Irfan, Woodfield, Lorayne, Collins, Peter, Benkwitz, Adam and Nevill, Alan (2019) Exploring Children’s Physical Activity Behaviours According to Location: A Mixed-Methods Case Study. Sports, 7 (11). p. 240. ISSN 2075-4663
Lawrence, Stefan (2019) White Heterosexual Men, Athletic Bodies, and the Pleasure of Unruly Racialization. Men and Masculinities. ISSN 1097-184X
Lawrence, Stefan and Davis, Christian (2019) Fans for diversity? A Critical Race Theory analysis of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) supporters’ experiences of football fandom. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1940-6940
Myers, Tony D., Abt, Grant, Bray, James and Benson, Amanda (2019) Walking cadence required to elicit criterion moderate-intensity physical activity is moderated by fitness status. Journal of Sports Sciences. ISSN 1466-447X
Myers, Tony D., Cullen, Tom, Thomas, Gavin and Wadley, Alex J. (2019) The effects of a single night of complete and partial sleep deprivation on physical and cognitive performance: a Bayesian Analysis. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 (23). pp. 2726-2734. ISSN 1466-447X (In Press)
Owen, Claire and Thomas, Lorraine (2019) The carousel-style lesson: an effective intervention to enhance motivation and the learning of foreign languages at primary school. The Language Learning Journal. ISSN 1753-2167 (In Press)
Pedley, Yvonne and McDonald, Paul (2019) Media reports of abuse in adult residential care: implications for staff and practice. Working with Older People, 23 (3). pp. 177-184. ISSN 1366-3666
Trotman, Dave (2019) Creativity as a pastoral concern. Pastoral Care in Education. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0264-3944
West, Melanie and Hogan, Kevin Francis (2019) Carers’ experiences of dementia support groups: A qualitative exploration. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 20 (1). pp. 136-142. ISSN 1473-3145
Williams, Stella, Karypidou, Anatoli, Steele, Catherine and Dodd, Lorna (2019) A personal construct approach to employability: Comparing stakeholders’ implicit theories. Education + Training. ISSN 0040-0912