Items where Year is 2018

Akubat, Ibrahim, Barrett, Steve, Sagarra, Manuel and Abt, Grant (2018) The Validity of External:Internal Training Load Ratios in Rested and Fatigued Soccer Players. Sports, 6 (2). p. 44. ISSN 2075-4663
Cawood, Ian (2018) The impact of the Representation of the People Act of 1918 on the politics of the West Midlands. Parliamentary History, 37 (1). pp. 81-100. ISSN 1750-0206
Cousins, Helen (2018) Lindsey Collen’s narrative gift: a challenge to the commodification of African literature. Research in African Literatures, 49 (2). pp. 87-106. ISSN 1527-2044
Davis, Edward B., Granqvist, Pehr and Sharp, Carissa A. (2018) Theistic Relational Spirituality: Development, Dynamics, Health, and Transformation. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 13 (4). pp. 401-415. ISSN 1943-1562
Day, Matthew (2018) Deceit, Self-Interest and Censorship: Problems at the Bookbinders in Early Modern England. The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 112 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 0006-128X
Docherty, Susan (2018) A new dialogue between biblical scholarship and Religious Education. British Journal of Religious Education, 40 (3). pp. 298-307. ISSN 0141-6200
Dymock, Alex and van der Westhuizen, Charlotte (2018) A dish served cold: targeting revenge in revenge pornography. Legal Studies. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0261-3875
Ellis, Matthew, Noon, Mark, Myers, Tony and Clarke, Neil (2018) Low Doses of Caffeine: Enhancement of Physical Performance in Elite Adolescent Male Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1555-0265
Enow, Linda and Goodwyn, Andrew (2018) The invisible plan: how English teachers develop their expertise and the special place of adapting the skills of lesson planning. English in Education. ISSN 0425-0494
Graham, Katharine A., Blissett, Jacqueline, Antoniou, Evangelia E., Zeegers, Maurice P. and McCleery, Joseph P. (2018) Effects of maternal depression in the Still-Face Paradigm: A meta-analysis. Infant Behavior and Development, 50. pp. 154-164. ISSN 0163-6383
Grove, Michael, Croft, Tony, Lawson, Duncan and Petrie, Moira (2018) Community perspectives of mathematics and statistics support in higher education: The role of the staff member. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA. ISSN 0268-3679
Hall, Alexander (2018) Review: Clouds: Nature and Culture, Richard Hamblyn, Reaktion Books, London (2017), p. 251, £14.95 paperback. Journal of Historical Geography. ISSN 0305-7488
Hickman, Louise (2018) The Good, The True and the Beautiful: Imagining an Ethico-political Future for the Philosophy of Religion. Palgrave Communications, 4 (125). ISSN 2055-1045
Hickman, Louise (2018) Modeling the Cosmos: Transformative Pedagogy in Science and Religion. Zygon, 53 (3). pp. 881-886. ISSN 1467-9744
Hunt, Thomas E. (2018) Breathy shame and the place of Hebrew in the work of Jerome of Stridon. Religion and Theology. pp. 1-27. ISSN 1574-3012
Hunt, Thomas E. (2018) The influence of French colonial humanism on the study of late antiquity: Braudel, Marrou, Brown. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 21 (3-4). pp. 255-278. ISSN 1368-2679
Johnson, Kathryn A., Okun, Morris A., Cohen, Adam B., Sharp, Carissa A. and Hook, Joshua N. (2018) Development and Validation of the Five-Factor LAMBI Measure of God Representations. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 11 (4). pp. 339-349. ISSN 1941-1022
Johnson, Kathryn A., Sharp, Carissa A., Okun, Morris A., Shariff, Azim F. and Cohen, Adam B. (2018) SBNR identity: the role of impersonal God representations, individualistic spirituality, and dissimilarity with religious groups. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. ISSN 1050-8619
Jones, Iain (2018) The Civic University: The Policy and Leadership Challenges. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20 (4). pp. 209-213. ISSN 1466-6529
Jones, Stephen H., Catto, Rebecca, Kaden, Tom and Elsden-Baker, Fern (2018) “That’s how Muslims are required to view the world”: Race, culture and belief in non-Muslims’ descriptions of Islam and science. The Sociological Review. ISSN 0038-0261 (In Press)
Litchfield, Ian, Jones, Laura L., Moiemen, Naiem, Andrews, Nicole, Greenfield, Sheila and Mathers, Jonathan (2018) The role of self-management in burns aftercare: a qualitative research study. Burns, 45 (4). pp. 825-834. ISSN 0305-4179
Loveland-Armour, Lorraine Anne (2018) Recently identified university students navigate dyslexia. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 10 (2). pp. 170-181. ISSN 2050-7003
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin and Haywood, Chris (2018) Performance and surveillance in an era of austerity: schooling the reflexive generation of Muslim young men. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 39 (2). pp. 166-181. ISSN 0142-5692
Moiemen, Naiem, Mathers, Jonathan, Jones, Laura, Bishop, Jonathan, Kinghorn, Philip, Monahan, Mark, Calvert, Melanie, Slinn, Gemma, Gardiner, Fay, Bamford, Amy, Wright, Susan, Litchfield, Ian, Andrews, Nicole, Turner, Karen, Grant, Margaret and Deeks, Jonathan (2018) Pressure garment to prevent abnormal scarring after burn injury in adults and children: the PEGASUS feasibility RCT and mixed-methods study. Health Technology Assessment, 22 (36). pp. 1-162. ISSN 1366-5278
Morris, Rhys O., Jones, Ben, Myers, Tony D., Lake, Jason, Emmonds, Stacey, Clarke, Neil D. and Till, Kevin (2018) Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Characteristics in Elite Youth Male Soccer Players: Comparisons by Age and Maturity Offset. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. ISSN 1064-8011 (In Press)
Morris, Rhys, Emmonds, Stacey, Jones, Ben, Myers, Tony D., Clarke, Neil D., Lake, Jason, Ellis, Matthew, Singleton, Dave, Roe, Gregory and Till, Kevin (2018) Seasonal changes in physical qualities of elite youth soccer players according to maturity status: comparisons with aged matched controls. Science and Medicine in Football. ISSN 2473-3938
Parkes, Sarah (2018) A learner developer perspective: critiquing dominant practices and cultures within university spaces. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. ISSN 1759-667X
Peters, John and Mathias, Leoarna (2018) Enacting student partnership as though we really mean it: Some Freirean principles for a pedagogy of partnership. International Journal for Students as Partners, 2 (2). pp. 53-70. ISSN 2560-7367
Powell, Emma, Woodfield, Lorayne, Nevill, Alan M., Powell, Alexander J. and Myers, Tony D. (2018) ‘We have to wait in a queue for our turn quite a bit’: examining children’s physical activity during primary physical education lessons. European Physical Education Review, 25 (4). pp. 929-948. ISSN 1741-2749
Powell, Emma, Woodfield, Lorayne, Powell, Alexander J., Nevill, Alan M. and Myers, Tony D. (2018) Evaluation of a Walking-Track Intervention to Increase Children's Physical Activity during Primary School Break Times. Children, 5 (10) (135). ISSN 2227-9067
Sextou, Persephone and Karypidou, Anatoli (2018) What does the actor need to perform in health care? Emotional demands, skills and competences. Applied Theatre Research Journal, 6 (2). pp. 107-119. ISSN 2049-3010
Thomas, Lorraine (2018) The value of the academic award in initial teacher education: key stakeholder perceptions of the masters level Postgraduate Certificate in Education in two English universities. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41 (2). pp. 246-261. ISSN 0261-9768
Thompson, Naomi and Pihlaja, Stephen (2018) Temporary liberties and uncertain futures: young female Muslim perceptions of life in England. Journal of Youth Studies. pp. 1-18. ISSN 1367-6261
Trotman, Dave, Enow, Linda and Tucker, Stan (2018) Young People and Alternative Provision: Perspectives from participatory-collaborative evaluations in three UK Local Authorities. British Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1469-3518 (In Press)